
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bluetooth Headshets

Headphone cables can get caught in clothing, snagged on bags and trapped in doors, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Bluetooth wireless headphones can set you free of cables and connect effortlessly to almost any smartphone, tablet or computer.
There is a dizzying array of Bluetooth headphones available ranging in price into the thousands. Here are five worth buying.

Creative Sound Blaster Jam

Creative Soundblaster Jam
 The Soundblaster Jams are difficult to beat for under £100 on sound for wireless headphones. Photograph: Creative
Price: £40
Creative’s low-cost Sound Blaster Jams are budget Bluetooth headphones done right. They look and feel like a pair of headphones from the 80s but are relatively robust.
Their simple foam ear pads fit on the ear without much padding, while their plastic headband is comfortable for shorter listening sessions, but not for hours on end.
A big pause/play button takes up most of the right-hand ear cup, with volume and bass-boost buttons around the outside. The micro USB port and NFC spot for pairing are also on the right ear cup.
The headphones have no standard jack, which means when the battery runs out, so does the music. Battery life is good, though, at approximately 12 hours per charge.
They struggle with distortion at higher volumes and with powerful, driving beats, but overall they have excellent full sound, with solid bass and decent treble that is hard to beat for the price.
The bass-boost button doesn’t do a lot, the noise isolation is poor and they leak sound more than the others in this group, although no where near as much as the cheap headphones that come with smartphones.
Verdict: Best for the price-conscious who want to go wireless.

Plantronics BackBeat Go 2

Plantronics Backbeat Go 2
 The Backbeat Go 2s are about as wirefree as in-ear headphones get. Photograph: Plantronics
Price: £50
Not quite the holy grail of in-ear Bluetooth headphones – there is a cable between the two ear buds – the Plantronics BackBeat Go 2 are some of the best Bluetooth headphones for under £50.
The two earbuds are larger than normal earphones, containing the chips and battery needed to make them work. They’re not too big and relatively comfortable, while removable rubber loops hook inside the ear to stop them coming out if needed.
They sound as good as a £40 pair of in-ear headphones, with decent range, but lack real bass. Battery life is about six hours per charge via micro USB, while a remote with microphone on the flat cable changes tracks, adjusts volume and takes phone calls.
They’re sweat-proof and light enough not to get in the way, making them ideal for the commute or working out.
Verdict: Small, light and sweat-proof, a runner’s dream.


Sony MDR-10RBT
 Sony’s mid-range Bluetooth headphones are light and comfortable, with long battery life. Photograph: Sony
Price: £169
If you want light, comfortable headphones that last for hours, Sony’s MDR-10RBT are a great choice. The over-ear headphones last up to 18 hours per charge and are light, well-built and comfortable, with a soft padded headband and ear cups.
The right-hand ear cup has separate pause, play, track-skip and volume buttons that work well, while the left-hand cup has the power button and headphones jack for using a cable.
They have NFC for one-touch pairing with a smartphone and are rated for “hi-res audio”, if you have any better than CD music available.
The Sonys are quite bass-heavy and have a concentrated, energetic sound, which won’t please those looking for neutral balance. They make the most out of popular and electronic music, and passively block out background noise well.
Verdict: Long-lasting and comfortable to wear, with decent sound.

Parrot Zik 2.0

Parrot Zik 2.0 review
 The most technologically advanced Bluetooth headphones currently available are adaptable and comfortable. Photograph: Samuel Gibbs for the Guardian
Price: £299
Bluetooth headphones don’t come more technology-packed than the Parrot Zik 2.0s. Not only are they wireless headphones but they also have built-in active noise cancelling, responsive touch-sensitive controls and sensors that detect when they are taken off and pause the music.
Controlled via a smartphone app, the Ziks have four levels of noise cancelling and a built-in digital signal processor that allows users to tweak the sound to their liking.
Bass, treble, soundscape, direction of audio and reverb can all be adjusted through the app, with settings saved across all music or automatically adjusted for each song. The end result is great sounding audio no matter what your taste.
They’re comfortable to wear and last around six hours per charge with all features active, or about 10 hours with only Bluetooth on. The battery is removable, but can only be charged inside the headphones. They can also be used via a standard headphones cable even when the battery runs out.
Verdict: The most technologically advanced Bluetooth headphones.

Sennheiser Momentum Wireless

Sennheiser Momentum Wireless
 Premium feel and sound at a premium price. Photograph: Sennheiser
Price: £380
The latest edition of Sennheiser’s high-end Momentum headphones now come without wires, and you pay a pretty penny for them at £380.
The Momentums have a fashionably retro style, stitched leather headband and soft, almost sumptuous, earpads. They’re well built, fold down for travelling and are not light, but not overly heavy either, and comfortable to wear for extended periods.
The thick ear cups feature active noise cancelling for blocking out the drone of a train or plane. This works well, but cheaper, dedicated noise-cancelling headphones would do a better job.
The noise cancelling can’t be turned off, but the battery lasts more than 20 hours per charge. The single-control joystick works well, but it would have been nice to have separate volume, pause, play and track-skip buttons. They can also be used with a headphones cable with or without power.
They sound rounded and full, with strong bass when required, but not with constant overpowering thump. Overall, they have a relatively deep but neutral sound, good for most music types.
Verdict: Headphone luxury with quality sound to boot.

A Bluetooth® device works by using radio waves instead of wires or cables to connect with your cell phone, smartphone or computer.
Bluetooth is a wireless short-range communications technology standard found in millions of products we use every day – including headsets, smartphones, laptops and portable speakers. A product with Bluetooth technology, such as a Bluetooth headset, has a tiny computer chip inside that contains the Bluetooth radio, and software that makes connectivity between devices possible.
So when Bluetooth-enabled products, such as a cell phone and headphones, are in close proximity to each other, they connect, or pair. A single Bluetooth headset can even connect to multiple devices at the same time.
This enables you to talk on the phone or listen to music without the bother of wires or cords.


To get your Bluetooth headset to work with your phone, you have to connect or pair the phone with the headset. Follow these steps:

1. Make sure your Bluetooth headset is fully charged, turned on and compatible with the smartphone you want to pair.

2. Turn on the phone. Look for the Bluetooth feature, usually found under Settings.

3. Select On. (When you turn on the Bluetooth feature, the phone sends out a signal and starts scanning for other Bluetooth–enabled devices, such as your headset.)

4. When the phone finds the headset, the headset will show up on the list of devices. You will be asked to pair the devices by entering a PIN number. The PIN number should come with your headset. Usually the pin number is 0000).

5. Once the devices are paired, all your phone calls will connect automatically to your headset as long as it’s turned on, and you won’t have to repeat the pairing process.


  • Turn everything off and repeat the pairing process.
  • Check the batteries in your headphone and make sure they are fully charged.
  • Check that your headset and phone are compatible.
  • A Bluetooth device emits low power radio transmission signals that can travel up to around 10 meters. But the distance can vary according to the headset. Check the range before you buy.



History of printer.

What is a printer ?

Ans.  External device that communicates with another digital device to print what a user sees on a screen. Printers use small pixels to transfer an image from the system to another surface. Ink jet and laser printers are the most commonly used varieties of this device, and are most commonly hooked up to a personal computer. Some printers only print in black and white, but most include a color option as well.

Saints and playing cards: c.1400

In about 1400, more than six centuries after itsinvention in the east, the technique of printing from wood blocks is introduced in Europe. As in the east, the images are printed by the simple method of laying a piece of paper on a carved and inked block and then rubbing its back to transfer the ink. And as in the east, the main market is holy images for sale to pilgrims. Playing cards are another early part of the western trade.

Later in the 15th century, technical advances are made in Germany which rapidly transform printing from a cottage industry to a cornerstone of western civilization.

Gutenberg and western printing: 1439 - 1457

The name of Gutenberg first appears, in connection with printing, in a law case in Strasbourg in 1439. He is being sued by two of his business partners. Witnesses, asked about Gutenberg's stock, describe a press and a supply of metal type. It sounds as though he is already capable of printing small items of text from movable type, and it seems likely that he must have done so in Strasbourg. But nothing from this period survives.

By the time he is next heard of in connection with printing, he is in Mainz. He borrows 800 guilders in 1450 from Johann Fust with his printing equipment as security. The resulting story ofGutenberg and Fust is a saga in itself.

Gutenberg's great achievement in the story of printing has several components. One is his development of the printingpress, capable of applying a rapid but steady downward pressure. The concept of the press is not new. But existing presses (for wine, oil or paper) exert slow pressure - uneconomical in printing.

More significant are Gutenberg's skills with metal (his original trade is that of a goldsmith). These enable him to master the complex stages in the manufacture of individual pieces of type, which involve creating a master copy of each letter, devising the moulds in which multiple versions can be cast, and developing a suitable alloy (type metal) in which to cast them.

All this skilful technology precedes the basic work of printing - that of arranging the individual letters, aligned and well spaced, in a forme which will hold them firm and level to transfer the ink evenly to the paper.

The printing process involves complex problems at every stage, and the brilliance of the first known products from Gutenberg's press suggest that earlier efforts must have been lost. If not, the decision to make his first publication a full-length Bible in Latin (theVulgate), printed to the standards of the best black-letter manuscripts, is a bold one indeed.

No date appears in the Gutenberg Bible (known technically as the 42-line Bible), which was printed simultaneously on six presses during the mid-1450s. But at least one copy is known to have been completed, with its initial letters coloured red by hand, by 24 August 1456. The first dated book from these same presses, in 1457, is even more impressive. Known as the Mainz psalter, it achieves outstanding colour printing in its two-colour initial letters.

These first two publications from Germany's presses are of an extraordinary standard, caused no doubt by the commercial need to compete with manuscripts. The new technology, so brilliantly launched, spreads rapidly.

The spread of printing: 1457-1500

An invention as useful as printing, in a Europe of increasing prosperity, readily finds new customers.

The first Italian press is founded in 1464, at the Benedictine town of Subiaco in the papal states. Switzerland has a press in the following year. Printing begins in Venice, Paris and Utrecht in 1470, in Spain and Hungary in 1473, in Bruges in 1474 (on a press owned by Caxton, who moves it to London in 1476), in Sweden in 1483. By the end of the century the craft is well established in every European kingdom except Russia.

During the early decades, German printing predominates. More books are published in Germany than anywhere else (by 1500 there are printers in some sixty German towns); German printers carry the craft secrets abroad; and foreign printers come to Germany to study as apprentices.

The earliest typography is therefore in theBlack-letter style of contemporary German manuscripts. But by the end of the century the most fashionable and influential printing is being done in Italy, with a corresponding change in appearance.

From the 1470s, when Nicolas Jenson establishes a press there, Venice becomes a city known for the quality of its printing. Its preeminence in the field is firmly established by the end of the century through the publications of Aldus Manutius.

These Venetian printers develop type faces more open and elegant than the German black-letter tradition, deriving them from the scripts of theItalian humanists. In doing so, they provide the book trade with two of its most lasting typographical conventions -Roman and italic.

The illustrated book: 15th - 16th century

In the early years of European printing some illustrated books are produced by the laborious method ofeastern printing, in which the shapes of the letters and the lines of the illustrations are carved alike in the surface of a wood block. Printed on one side only, these sheets are in effect individual prints which are then folded and bound into the form of a book. Known as block books, usually telling simple versions of biblical stories, they are sold at fairs. They are particularly popular in Germany and the Netherlands.

At the same period genuine illustrated books, with conventionally printed text, are also beginning to be published.

Books printed byGutenberg's method are ideal for combining text and illustration on the same page. Movable type can be set in any shape round a wood block. The raised surfaces of both type and image will receive the ink together and can transfer it to the paper at a single impression.

The pioneer in this field is Albrecht Pfister, a printer in Bamberg, who publishes several illustrated books beginning withDer Ackermann aus Böhmen (The Farmer of Bohemia) in about 1461. By the end of the 15th century ambitious publications such as the Nuremberg Chronicle (a 1493 history of the world) have page layouts as elaborate as any modern magazine.

The technical brilliance of early European woodcuts is astonishing (and in the hands of masters such asDürer, the craft becomes great art), but the cutting away of all the white parts of an image is a laborious and perverse way of proceeding.

Within the first century of printing two more congenial methods become available - engraving and etching. Both are described as intaglio ('cut in' in Italian) because they excavate grooves in the surface of a copper plate. In engraving, slivers of metal are gouged out with a sharp tool (the burin). In etching, acid is used to eat away the copper along lines drawn through a coating of wax (which protects the rest of the metal surface).

A copper plate created by either of these methods will produce a finer and more delicate print than a wood block. The disadvantage is that intaglio prints require a different kind of press, where the inked copper plate and a sheet of paper are together passed between two rollers, like a great mangle. Intense pressure forces the paper into the grooves of the metal to pick out the ink.

Images of this kind from copper plates are separate from the text. They have to be bound into the finished book, acquiring the name of 'plates'. From the late 16th century a volume with plates becomes the standard form of illustrated book.

From incunabula to mass communication: 1457 - 1525

In the first half-century of European printing the book rapidly displaces the the manuscript of earlier generations, providing equal elegance at less cost. Printed books of the 15th century are known as incunabula (Latin for the 'cradle' of printing). Though very rare now, incunabula were surprisingly numerous then; 1700 presses in some 300 towns are estimated to have produced about 15 million volumes by 1500.

Even in their own time these incunabula are special and expensive objects. But printing has another trick up its sleeve - in the long run one which is much more significant.

The profusion of presses in Europe by the early 16th century means that the machinery is in place for a different and entirely new form of production - the rapid printing ofpamphlets, or even single sheets, which can be used in a war of propaganda.

This potential lies dormant until an unexpected opportunity arises. It comes through an intellectual controversy of unprecedented violence - the Reformation. AfterLuther's challenge to the Roman Catholic church, the printing presses feed and fan the flames. Pamphlets fly in all directions. The printed page finds a new role as an arena of almost instant debate. The 'press' acquires a new and significant meaning.

The first artists' prints: 15th - 16th century

When the first European prints are published, in the early 15th century, they are the work of craftsmen supplying a demand for cheap holy images or forplaying cards. Artists only become interested in the possibilities of the medium from the 1450s. They are first attracted by the newest technique at that time,intaglioengraving in copper.

The pioneer in the field is extremely prolific, creating more 300 engraved plates, but he is known only as Master ES from the two initials with which he sometimes signs his plates. The first two known artists to specialize in engraving begin work at the same period, the 1460s, but in different places - Mantegna in Mantua and Schongauer in Colmar.

The greatest printmaker among Renaissance artists is, like Schongauer, a German. But unlike his predecessors, he excels in woodcut and etching as well as engraving.

Albrecht Dürer, familiar with metal from his early training as a goldsmith, begins engraving copper plates in his twenties and rapidly develops a mastery of the technique. He is more unusual in tackling at the same period, the 1490s, the much more mechanical craft of the woodcut (where each area of white in the image has to be scooped from the block of wood). But Dürer's large and completely assuredwoodcutsimmediately demonstrate that this too can be an artist's medium.

The third form of printing in which Dürer shows his originality isetching. This is a technique invented during his lifetime (the first etchings are printed, probably in Augsburg in about 1500, from iron plates at this stage rather than copper). Dürer first tries the new medium in 1515. He only etches six plates. But he is the first to demonstrate the informality of etching, which can give the artist almost the same freedom as sketching in pencil.

From the end of the 16th century etching is virtually the only form of printing to attract the artist until the arrival of aquatintand lithography. Later masters, such asRembrandt, develop the potential first shown by Dürer.

Mezzotint: 17th - 18th century

The first printing process to achieve a fully tonal effect is pioneered in the late 1650s by prince Rupert of the Rhine (living at the time in Germany after the defeat of the royalist side in the English Civil War). It is immediately given a name reflecting its ability to print halftones -Mezzo Tinto(Italian for 'half tinted'), or the mezzotint.

Hard work is involved in creating a mezzotint. A copper plate is roughened all over by rocking across it a curved metal blade with sharp teeth. The resulting rough metal surface holds the printer's ink in all its recesses, and if inked all over will print a velvety black tone.

This blackness can be modified in any part of the print, through every tone of grey to pure white, by rubbing the plate's pitted surface to differing degrees of smoothness (any area rubbed completely smooth will hold no ink and thus will print as a white patch).

With this technology the printers of the 17th and 18th centuries can reproduce every subtle shade of tone in an oil painting. For the first time entirely convincing portraits are reproduced in fairly large numbers - at a cost which remains high, but which is much less than the previous custom of having oil copies made. A good mezzotint is like the very best black-and-white photograph.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lexmark printer
printer is a piece of hardware for a computer. It is a device which allows a user to print items on paper, such as letters and pictures. It can also work with digital cameras to print directly without the use of a computer. To do its work, a printer must be connected to a computer.

Types of printers[change | change source]

Today, the following types of printers are in regular use:
  • Inkjet printers, also sometimes called bubble jet printers use colored ink they put on a paper.
  • Plotters are large format inkjet printers, or printers that use special pens.
  • Laser printers transfer tiny particles of toner onto the paper.
  • Dot-matrix printers are now almost extinct. They used a ribbon and made a lot of noise. There were models with 9 pins and models with 24 pins.
  • Dye sublimation printers produce very high quality images. Three colors are used. CyanMagenta and Yellow. Each color is printed one at a time from cellophane sheets. The image is the sealed with an clear top layer. Some small photographic printers made by Kodak and Canon use this process.
  • Daisy Wheel printers are a typewriter printer; Results look hand-typed with excellent looking text, no real graphics and very loud.
  • line printers contain a chain of characters or pins that print an entire line at one time. Line printers are very fast, but produce low-quality print.
  • thermal printer is an inexpensive printer that works by pushing heated pins against heat-sensitive paper. Thermal printers are widely used in calculators and fax machines. it benefits us in a lot of ways {hp printer}.
[don't refer to other articles]

Producing output[change | change source]

Printers are programmed using a programming language. The printer interprets the program, and the outputs the result. There are two big classes of such languages: Page description languages, and Printer Control languages. A page description language describes what a page should look like. The program in a page description language is sent to the printer, which interprets them. Printer command languages are at a lower level than Page description languages, they contain information that is specific to the printer model.
Common programming languages for printers include:

Cost of printers[change | change source]

Whewn comparing the cost of a printer, people often talk about how expensive it is to print one page. This cost usually has three components:
  1. The cost of the printer, how expensive it was to buy the printer
  2. The cost of the consumable; the printer needs supplies (called toner, ink, or ribbon) to print
  3. The cost of the paper; some printers need special paper to print on
Printers that are more expensive to buy will usually be less expensive in the consumables (the ink, toner, or ribbon used by the printer). Therefore, laser printers are often more expensive to buy than inkjet printers, but are not as expensive to use over a long period of time. Inkjet printers on the other hand have a higher cost of consumables because the ink tanks they use are more expensive than the toner for a laser printer. Laser printers that can print in color are usually more expensive than those that only print in black and white. Other options, like being able to print on both sides of a sheet of paper, to automatically sort the output, or to staple the output will also make a printer more expensive.